Agenda Index City of Vancouver


2. 2003-2005 Capital Plan (File 1611)

Estelle Lo, General Manager of Corporate Services, and Ken Bayne, Director of Financial Planning & Treasury, presented a Report Reference on the 2003 - 2005 Capital Plan.

Ms. Lo and Mr. Bayne presented an overview of, and highlighted the main points included in, the following documents:

1. Administrative Report, dated June 17, 2002, entitled "2003 - 2005 Capital Plan Financial Limits;
2. Administrative Report, dated June 15, 2002, entitled "2003 - 2005 Capital Plan Draft Allocation";
3. Administrative Report, dated June 12, 2002, entitled "Proposed Joint-Use Project: #1 Kingsway.

(a) 2003 - 2005 Capital Plan Financial Limits

MOVED by Councillor Puil

A. THAT Council set the property tax-supported financial limit for the 2003-2005 Capital Plan at $200 million as outlined in the Administrative Report, dated June 17, 2002 entitled "2003 - 2005 Capital Plan Financial Limits", subject to final consideration by Council prior to adoption of the Capital Plan on October 1, 2002.

B. THAT Council set an upper limit of $12.0 million in City-wide Development Cost Levy (DCL) funding within the 2003-2005 Capital Plan based on interim allocations established for the City-wide DCL By-law and on the policies proposed in the Financing Growth Study.

C. THAT Council set the financial limit on the Waterworks Capital Plan at $43.9 million as outlined in the Administrative Report, dated June 17, 2002 entitled "2003 - 2005 Capital Plan Financial Limits".



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(b) 2003 - 2005 Capital Plan Draft Allocation

MOVED by Councillor Clarke

A. THAT Council receive the recommendations of the Corporate Management Team and Staff Review Group for the 2003 - 2005 Capital Plan, THAT the plan be circulated to the public for comment, and THAT the plan be brought back to Council for final adoption on October 1, 2002.


(c) Proposed Joint-Use Project: #1 Kingsway

MOVED by Councillor Puil

THAT the Administrative Report, dated June 12, 2002, entitled "Proposed Joint-Use Project: #1 Kingsway", be received for information.


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